One of the most important (and often misunderstood) properties of work is "waste." Those familiar with the cost of poor quality concept often tend to equate “waste” with defects, rework, returns, inspection, appraisal, failure in test or operation, etc. In general these are forms of waste related to work outputs.
It turns out that more forms of waste, and much greater cost are associated with the resources used and applied during a work activity. This is why waste is defined as any work that does not create value as perceived by the customer.
Here is a table from the new edition of Robert's book that illustrates his points:
What do you think of Robert's table? Do you think his definitions and examples are accurate? What are your experiences with process maps? Do they help diagnose and improve work?
"his definitions and examples"?
Sorry. This are examples out of the toyotas production system / lean production. This isn´t new.
experiences with process maps? Do they help diagnose and improve work?
I work in a company that develops software and unlike factory work, most of our work is not easy to see. We find process maps very helpful with cross functional teams to show what happens (or doesn't happen) as the product is passed off from team to team.
Thank for introduce the good selling book and thank for your valuable article , it's make me more understanding in "What is wastes"
Robert's Table seems to be wastes from office environment only. Anyway, they're also good guideline.
I think it's quite practical.
The deep, nutty aroma of the toasted sesame seeds was potent, filling our car for the first hour of our ride home (or at least until we got used to it).
I like the cut of your job :) or at least your thought process but sorry to say, I honestly think you would have fully sold me on the idea had you been able to back up your premis with a substantial bit more solid facts.
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