

According to this press release, the world's largest exchange company, NASDAQ, has undertaken a global lean information technology (IT) initiative with the assistance of BMC Software. Although the specifics are not given, the overarching goal, according to Carl-Magnus Hallberg (NASDAQ OMX's senior vice president of global IT services) is "to more quickly deliver the right business services to our colleagues and our customers."

Although the application of traditional lean manufacturing concepts to IT on larger scales is only just beginning, many common IT problems -- poor executions, slow application response times, misused hardware, and narrow processes that marginalize innovation -- are "wastes" in the classic lean sense. One of the major differences between the implementation of lean in traditional manufacturing environments and information technology is the mapping of the value stream. The physical manufacturing value stream is quite easier to visualize than the virtual stream of IT. Has any reader here headed or participated in a lean IT initiative? What were your common problems?


  1. The phrase "Lean IT" is appearing more frequently in news articles and blogs. The magnitude of wasted spending and lost business benefit in IT is quite large, and many companies report significant benefits while applying Lean methods to information and information systems – for example, in the case of Agile software development. However Lean IT may be at risk of becoming a marketing slogan for IT product vendors. Without more details on what NASDAQ is doing, it’s difficult to say what they’re doing, and it would be good to learn more. Lean IT is about investing in people and process improvement first, and technology last.

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