
Green Money

Although many green initiatives -- such as the automobile and energy industries embracing hybrid technology and alternative fuel sources, respectively -- have been receiving much media attention, I was glad to find this article by Patrick J. Moore detailing the "greening" of treasury and bank processes. The "electronification" of processes resulting in paperless solutions is becoming the standard, not the exception.

Other than focusing on the obvious benefits of electronic processes, such as a saving of more than 2,208 pounds of paper saved per year by a typical corporate treasury, this article reveals the ancillary costs that some might not realize at first glance: more than 27,000 gallons of gasoline are saved by not transporting the paper once used in these processes and the reduction of significant storage fees to house the paper records.

One area that is not touched on in this article is the growing role of the IT department in regard to simplification and security. In addition, these departments must be careful not to introduce electronic waste in the revised processes. I'd like to hear comments and thoughts on the tactics used and difficulties faced when mapping electronic value streams. How does one rethink the use of typical "visual" management tools?

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