Today we’re launching Book Talk, a new feature on the blog. Every Friday I will discuss a book or books from Productivity Press. I may talk about a particular book I find interesting, how two related books are different, or anything else that comes to mind.
Today’s book is The Performance Paradox: Understanding the Real Drivers that Critically Affect Outcomes, by Dr. Jerry L. Harbour.
In this book, Harbour focuses on the question of how performance improves – something he believes has not been sufficiently addressed in the past. The book’s title refers to performance-related assumptions that are believed to be well-known truths, but often do not hold up under close scrutiny.
The book is divided into two major sections. The first is what Harbour calls the “about” section and discusses several basic performance themes as a conceptual overview of performance. Topics include S-curves, performance limits and how innovation (sometimes) begets performance.
The second is the “how-to” section and covers modeling, measuring and improving performance. A final chapter ties everything together.
The book, which includes a glossary, is not specific to any industry or area of operation. As such, it can prove useful to almost any organization interested in performance improvement.
Harbour is the author of three other books: The Basics of Performance Measurement, Cycle Time Reduction and The Process Reengineering Workbook.
Do you have a question or comment about a book(s) that you would like addressed in Book Talk? Email me directly at Ralph.bernstein@taylorandfrancis.com.
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