
The 10 Best Lean Blogs

            I thought some of you might be interested in a list of good lean blogs.

            I actually have two lists here: One of lean blogs and another of blogs that are not specifically about lean (at least not all the time), but do focus on in some way on process improvement.

            The creation of these lists was not scientific or even objective. These are simply lists of blogs that I like, in alphabetical order.

I only included blogs whose authors post on a regular basis. I left off blogs that I like, but which haven’t had new postings in several months.

            Those of you who are paying attention will note that the lean list below contains only nine blogs, while my heading says “The 10 Best Lean Blogs.” I’m hoping that you will see fit to include the Lean Insider on the list and make it an even 10.

            Also, if there is a lean or improvement blog you like that is not on these lists, I encourage you to post a comment and let us know about it.


Lean blogs:


Evolving Excellence

Gemba Panta Rei

Got Boondoggle?

Lean Blog

The Lean Executive

Lean Reflections

Learning About Lean

63 Buckets




Other improvement blogs:


Be Excellent

Frank Patrick’s Focused Performance Weblog

Herding Cats

Reforming Project Management

Six Sigma Blog



    3/5/2007 1:40:34 PM
    Re: The 10 Best Lean Blogs
    Mike Gardner

    Thanks for the mention of the TPM Log Ralph. I guess I had better try to get it back on track. My recent travel schedule has left both mind and body exhausted and without creative ability.

    3/5/2007 2:38:50 PM
    Re: The 10 Best Lean Blogs
    By: sreardon

    Thank you for including Be Excellent ins your list of "Other Improvement Blogs" - 1200 posts and counting!! All the best to all your readers!!

    3/6/2007 7:35:28 PM
    Re: The 10 Best Lean Blogs
    By: wilhkar

    Thank you for honoring Lean Reflections in your list of the top ten blogs - coming from you and Productivity, it's quite a compliment.

    Karen Wilhelm

  4. Good list. I frequent quite a few of those blogs. Thanks!

  5. Add some more points in future.

  6. I like leaninaction.com

    It gets updated almost daily and they are releasing iphone apps also

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    http://www.healthcontractor.com |
